Patient Survey Survey We are continuously looking at ways we can improve our services. Your opinions are therefore very valuable. 1. Thinking about your GP practice overall, how was your experience of the services? Excellent Good Average Poor Don’t Know It would help if you let us know why you have chosen this answer Optional2. Ability to get through to the surgery on the phone? Excellent Good Average Poor 3. Time taken to attend to you when you come into the surgery? Excellent Good Average Poor 4. The way you were treated by reception staff? Excellent Good Average Poor 5. How quickly it takes you to see a doctor? Very quickly Fairly quickly Not so Quickly Not at all 6. How quickly it takes you to see a nurse? Very quickly Fairly quickly Not so Quickly Not at all 7. How well the doctor explains your problems or treatment? Extremely well Fairly well Not too well Not at all 8. How well the doctor or nurse listens to what you had to say? Extremely well Fairly well Not too well Not at all 9. What was your reasons for consulting or attending the surgery?10. Do you get what you want or problem being looked into?11. What would you prefer about your type of consultation? To be seen at the surgery at all times you wanted to see a doctor Telephone consultation unless the doctor wanted to see you at the surgery if necessary 12. Would you recommend the surgery to friend and family? Yes No 13. Which of the following best describes your ethnic background?Please Select..White BritishIrishOther White BackgroundIndianPakistaniBangladeshiOther Asian BackgroundChineseAfricanCaribbeanWhite and Black CaribbeanWhite and Black AfricanWhite and AsianOther Asian BackgroundOther Mixed BackgroundI would rather not say14. Are you? Male Female 15. Who are you? The Patient The Patient or carer The Patient and Parent/Carer 16. What is your age group? 16 – 25 26 – 35 36 – 45 46 – 55 56 – 65 65 + 17. What is your employment status? Retired Employed Self-Employed Unemployed due to illness Unemployed Looking after child/children/carer consent Tick this box if you consent to us publishing your comment anonymously in the surgery. Optional We thank you for your time and feedback.Your Name Optional Email Address Optional Comments OptionalThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.